Namespace DisCatSharp.Entities
- AuthorizingIntegrationOwners
Represents the authorizing integration owners.
- AutomodAction
Represents an action which will execute when a rule is triggered.
- AutomodActionMetadata
Additional data used when an action is executed. Different fields are relevant based on the action type.
- AutomodRule
Represents an auto mod rule.
- AutomodTriggerMetadata
Represents the rule's meta data.
- AvatarDecorationData
Represents a user's avatar decoration data.
- ChannelTypeExtensions
Extension methods for ChannelType.
- DiscordActionRowComponent
Represents a row of components. Action rows can have up to five components.
- DiscordActionRowComponentResult
Represents a DiscordActionRowComponentResult resolved from a ModalSubmit.
- DiscordActivity
Represents a game that a user is playing.
- DiscordActivityInstance
Represents the activity instance.
- DiscordApplication
Represents an OAuth2 application.
- DiscordApplicationAsset
Represents an asset for an OAuth2 application.
- DiscordApplicationCommand
Represents a command that is registered to an application.
- DiscordApplicationCommandAutocompleteChoice
Represents an option for a user to select for auto-completion.
- DiscordApplicationCommandLocalization
Represents a application command localization.
- DiscordApplicationCommandOption
Represents a parameter for a DiscordApplicationCommand.
- DiscordApplicationCommandOptionChoice
Represents a command parameter choice for a DiscordApplicationCommandOption.
- DiscordApplicationCommandPermission
Represents a application command permission.
- DiscordApplicationEmoji
Represents a application emoji.
- DiscordApplicationInstallParams
The application install params.
- DiscordApplicationIntegrationTypeConfiguration
Represets the application integration type configuration.
- DiscordApplicationRoleConnectionMetadata
Represents a role connection metadata object that is registered to an application.
- DiscordAsset
Represents an discord asset.
- DiscordAttachment
Represents an attachment for a message.
- DiscordAuditLogBanEntry
Represents a audit log ban entry.
- DiscordAuditLogBotAddEntry
Represents a audit log bot add entry.
- DiscordAuditLogChannelEntry
Represents a audit log channel entry.
- DiscordAuditLogEmojiEntry
Represents a audit log emoji entry.
- DiscordAuditLogEntry
Represents an audit log entry.
- DiscordAuditLogGuildEntry
Represents a audit log guild entry.
- DiscordAuditLogGuildScheduledEventEntry
Represents a audit log event entry.
- DiscordAuditLogIntegrationEntry
Represents a audit log integration entry.
- DiscordAuditLogInviteEntry
Represents a audit log invite entry.
- DiscordAuditLogKickEntry
Represents a audit log kick entry.
- DiscordAuditLogMemberDisconnectEntry
Represents a audit log member disconnect entry.
- DiscordAuditLogMemberMoveEntry
Represents a audit log member move entry.
- DiscordAuditLogMemberUpdateEntry
Represents a audit log member update entry.
- DiscordAuditLogMessageEntry
Represents a audit log message entry.
- DiscordAuditLogMessagePinEntry
Represents a audit log message pin entry.
- DiscordAuditLogOverwriteEntry
Represents a audit log overwrite entry.
- DiscordAuditLogPruneEntry
Represents a audit log prune entry.
- DiscordAuditLogRoleUpdateEntry
Represents a audit log role update entry.
- DiscordAuditLogStageEntry
Represents a audit log stage entry.
- DiscordAuditLogStickerEntry
Represents a audit log sticker entry.
- DiscordAuditLogThreadEntry
Represents a audit log thread entry.
- DiscordAuditLogWebhookEntry
Represents a audit log webhook entry.
- DiscordBan
Represents a Discord ban
- DiscordBaseButtonComponent
Represents a button component.
- DiscordBaseSelectComponent
A select menu with multiple options to choose from.
- DiscordBulkBanResponse
Represents a bulk ban response
- DiscordButtonComponent
Represents a button that can be pressed. Fires ComponentInteractionCreated event when pressed.
- DiscordChannel
Represents a discord channel.
- DiscordChannelSelectComponent
A select menu with multiple options to choose from.
- DiscordClan
Represents a discord clan.
- DiscordClanSettings
Represents the settings for a Discord clan.
- DiscordClientStatus
Represents a client status.
- DiscordComponent
A component to attach to a message.
- DiscordComponentEmoji
Represents an emoji to add to a component.
- DiscordComponentResult
Represents a DiscordComponentResult resolved within an DiscordActionRowComponentResult.
- DiscordConnection
Gets a Discord connection to a 3rd party service.
- DiscordContainerComponent
Represents a container component.
- DiscordCustomStatus
Represents details for a custom status activity, attached to a DiscordActivity.
- DiscordDmChannel
Represents a direct message channel.
- DiscordEmbed
Represents a discord embed.
- DiscordEmbedAuthor
Gets the author of a discord embed.
- DiscordEmbedBuilder
Constructs embeds.
- DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedAuthor
Represents an embed author.
- DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedFooter
Represents an embed footer.
- DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedThumbnail
Represents an embed thumbnail.
- DiscordEmbedField
Represents a field inside a discord embed.
- DiscordEmbedFooter
Represents a footer in an embed.
- DiscordEmbedImage
Represents an image in an embed.
- DiscordEmbedProvider
Represents an embed provider.
- DiscordEmbedThumbnail
Represents a thumbnail in an embed.
- DiscordEmbedVideo
Represents a video inside an embed.
- DiscordEmoji
Represents a Discord emoji.
- DiscordEntitlement
Represents a DiscordEntitlement.
- DiscordFileDisplayComponent
Represents a file display component.
- DiscordFollowedChannel
Represents a followed channel.
- DiscordFollowupMessageBuilder
Constructs a followup message to an interaction.
- DiscordForwardedMessage
Represents a forwarded DiscordMessage which contains only a subset of fields.
- DiscordGuild
Represents a Discord guild.
- DiscordGuildApplicationCommandPermission
Represents a guild application command permission.
- DiscordGuildDirectoryChannel
Represents a discord guild directory channel.
- DiscordGuildDirectoryEntry
Represents a discord guild directory channel.
- DiscordGuildEmoji
Represents a guild emoji.
- DiscordGuildInventorySettings
Represents guild inventory settings.
- DiscordGuildJoinRequest
Represents a guild join request.
- DiscordGuildJoinRequestSearchResult
Represents a guild join request search result.
- DiscordGuildMembershipScreening
Represents a guild's membership screening form.
- DiscordGuildMembershipScreeningField
Represents a field in a guild's membership screening form
- DiscordGuildMembershipScreeningFieldResponse
Represents a response to a field in a guild's membership screening form.
- DiscordGuildPreview
Represents the guild preview.
- DiscordGuildTemplate
Represents a guild template.
- DiscordGuildWelcomeScreen
Represents a discord welcome screen object.
- DiscordGuildWelcomeScreenChannel
Represents a channel in a welcome screen
- DiscordIntegration
Represents a Discord integration. These appear on the profile as linked 3rd party accounts.
- DiscordIntegrationAccount
Represents a Discord integration account.
- DiscordIntegrationTypesConfig
Represents the application integration type configuration.
- DiscordInteraction
Represents an interaction that was invoked.
- DiscordInteractionCallback
Represents a partial interaction in interaction responses
- DiscordInteractionCallbackHint
Represents a callback hint for an interaction.
- DiscordInteractionCallbackResponse
Represents a interaction response.
- DiscordInteractionData
Represents the inner data payload of a DiscordInteraction.
- DiscordInteractionDataOption
Represents parameters for interaction commands.
- DiscordInteractionMetadata
Represents the interaction metadata.
- DiscordInteractionModalBuilder
Constructs an interaction modal response.
- DiscordInteractionResolvedCollection
Represents a collection of Discord snowflake objects resolved from interaction arguments.
- DiscordInteractionResource
Represents a interaction resource.
- DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder
Constructs an interaction response.
- DiscordInvite
Represents a Discord invite.
- DiscordInviteChannel
Represents the channel to which an invite is linked.
- DiscordInviteGuild
Represents a guild to which the user is invited.
- DiscordInviteStage
Represents a stage instance to which the user is invited.
- DiscordLinkButtonComponent
Represents a link button. Clicking a link button does not send an interaction.
- DiscordMediaGalleryComponent
Represents a media gallery component.
- DiscordMediaGalleryItem
Represents a media gallery item.
- DiscordMember
Represents a Discord guild member.
- DiscordMentionableSelectComponent
A select menu with multiple options to choose from.
- DiscordMessage
Represents a Discord text message.
- DiscordMessageActivity
Represents a Rich Presence activity.
- DiscordMessageApplication
Represents a Rich Presence application.
- DiscordMessageBuilder
Constructs a message to be sent.
- DiscordMessageFile
Represents the File that should be sent to Discord from the DiscordMessageBuilder.
- DiscordMessageInteraction
Represents the message interaction data sent when a message is an interaction response.
- DiscordMessageReference
Represents data from the original message.
- DiscordMessageSnapshot
Represents a message snapshot.
- DiscordOAuth2InstallParams
Represents Discord OAuth2 install parameters. Is the same model as DiscordApplicationInstallParams, which is obsolete in future.
- DiscordOnboarding
Represents a guild's onboarding configuration.
- DiscordOnboardingPrompt
Represents an onboarding prompt.
- DiscordOnboardingPromptOption
Represents an onboarding prompt option.
- DiscordOverwrite
Represents a permission overwrite for a channel.
- DiscordOverwriteBuilder
Represents a Discord permission overwrite builder.
- DiscordPoll
Represents a poll for a message.
- DiscordPollAnswer
Represents an poll answer for a DiscordPoll.
- DiscordPollAnswerCount
Represents an poll answer count object for a DiscordPoll.
- DiscordPollBuilder
Constructs a poll to be send.
- DiscordPollMedia
Represents an poll media object for a DiscordPoll.
- DiscordPollResult
Represents an poll result object for a DiscordPoll.
- DiscordPremiumButtonComponent
Represents a premium button. Clicking a premium button does not send an interaction.
Requires your app to have monitization enabled.
- DiscordPresence
Represents a user presence.
- DiscordProtocol
Represents the discord protocol.
- DiscordReaction
Represents a reaction to a message.
- DiscordRecurrenceRuleNWeekday
Represents a specific day within a specific week to recur on.
- DiscordRichPresence
Represents details for Discord rich presence, attached to a DiscordActivity.
- DiscordRole
Represents a discord role, to which users can be assigned.
- DiscordRoleSelectComponent
A select menu with multiple options to choose from.
- DiscordRoleTags
Represents a Discord role tags object with detailed classification logic.
- DiscordRpcApplication
Represents an OAuth2 application.
- DiscordScheduledEvent
Represents an scheduled event.
- DiscordScheduledEventEntityMetadata
Represents an scheduled event.
- DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRule
Represents the recurrence rule for a scheduled event.
- DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleValidator
Validator for DiscordScheduledEventRecurrenceRule instances.
- DiscordScheduledEventUser
The discord scheduled event user.
- DiscordSectionAccessory
Represents a (potential) section accessory component.
- DiscordSectionComponent
Represents a section component.
- DiscordSelectDefaultValue
A select default value for use with UserSelect, RoleSelect, ChannelSelect or MentionableSelect.
- DiscordSeparatorComponent
Represents a separator component.
- DiscordServerGuide
Represents a guild's server guide.
- DiscordSignedLink
Represents a DiscordSignedLink used for attachments and other things to improve security and prevent bad actors from abusing Discord's CDN.
- DiscordSku
Represents a DiscordSku.
- DiscordSoundboardSound
Represents a soundboard sound in a Discord guild.
- DiscordSpotifyAsset
Represents an spotify asset.
- DiscordStageInstance
Represents a Stage instance.
- DiscordSticker
Represents a Discord Sticker.
- DiscordStickerPack
Represents a Discord sticker pack.
- DiscordStoreSku
Represents a DiscordStoreSku.
- DiscordStringSelectComponent
A select menu with multiple options to choose from.
- DiscordStringSelectComponentOption
Represents options for DiscordBaseSelectComponent.
- DiscordSubscription
Represents a DiscordSubscription.
- DiscordTeam
Represents a team consisting of users. A team can own an application.
- DiscordTeamMember
Represents a member of DiscordTeam.
- DiscordTextComponent
Represents a text component that can be submitted. Fires ComponentInteractionCreated event when submitted.
- DiscordTextDisplayComponent
Represents a text display component.
- DiscordThreadChannel
Represents a discord thread channel.
- DiscordThreadChannelMember
Represents a discord thread member object.
- DiscordThreadChannelMetadata
Represents a discord thread metadata object.
- DiscordThreadResult
Represents a discord thread result.
- DiscordThumbnailComponent
Represents a thumbnail component.
- DiscordUnfurledMedia
Represents a unfurled media.
- DiscordUnfurledMediaItem
Represents a unfurled media item.
- DiscordUnicodeEmoji
Represents a discord unicode emoji.
- DiscordUri
An URI in a Discord embed doesn't necessarily conform to the RFC 3986. If it uses the
protocol, it mustn't contain a trailing slash to be interpreted correctly as an embed attachment reference by Discord.
- DiscordUser
Represents a Discord user.
- DiscordUserSelectComponent
A select menu with multiple options to choose from.
- DiscordVoiceRegion
Represents information about a Discord voice server region.
- DiscordVoiceState
Represents a Discord voice state.
- DiscordWebhook
Represents information about a Discord webhook.
- DiscordWebhookBuilder
Constructs ready-to-send webhook requests.
- DiscordWidget
Represents a Discord guild's widget.
- DiscordWidgetMember
Represents a member within a Discord guild's widget.
- DiscordWidgetSettings
Represents a Discord guild's widget settings.
- ForumPostTag
Represents a discord forum post tag.
- GuildFeatures
Represents the guild features.
- IncidentsData
Represents an incidents data object
- Mentions
Contains static instances of common mention patterns.
- NewMemberAction
Represents a new-member action.
- NullableSnowflakeObject
Represents an object in Discord API.
- Optional
Helper methods for instantiating an Optional<T>.
- PartialEmoji
Represents a partial emoji to be send to discord.
- PropertyChange<T>
Represents a description of how a property changed.
- SnowflakeObject
Represents an object in Discord API.
- UserWithIdOnly
Represents a user with only its id.
- WelcomeMessage
Represents a welcome message for the server guide.
- DiscordColor
Represents a color used in Discord API.
- EveryoneMention
Allows @everyone and @here pings to mention in the message.
- None
Unit type for creating an empty Optional<T>s.
- Optional<T>
Represents a wrapper which may or may not have a value.
- RepliedUserMention
Allows a reply to ping the user being replied to.
- RoleMention
Allows @role pings to mention in the message.
- UserMention
Allows @user pings to mention in the message.
- IMention
Interface for mentionables
- IOptional
Used internally to make serialization more convenient, do NOT change this, do NOT implement this yourself.
- ActivityType
Determines the type of a user activity.
- ApplicationAssetType
Determines the type of the asset attached to the application.
- DiscordTeamMembershipStatus
Signifies the status of user's team membership.
- DiscordUriType
Represents a uri type.
- GuildFeaturesEnum
Represents the guild features.
- StickerFormat
The sticker type
- StickerType
The sticker type
- UserStatus
Represents user status.