Enum AuditLogActionType
- Namespace
- DisCatSharp.Enums
- Assembly
- DisCatSharp.dll
Represents type of the action that was taken in given audit log event.
public enum AuditLogActionType
Invalid = 0
Indicates an invalid action type.
GuildUpdate = 1
Indicates that the guild was updated.
ChannelCreate = 10
Indicates that the channel was created.
ChannelUpdate = 11
Indicates that the channel was updated.
ChannelDelete = 12
Indicates that the channel was deleted.
OverwriteCreate = 13
Indicates that the channel permission overwrite was created.
OverwriteUpdate = 14
Indicates that the channel permission overwrite was updated.
OverwriteDelete = 15
Indicates that the channel permission overwrite was deleted.
Kick = 20
Indicates that the user was kicked.
Prune = 21
Indicates that users were pruned.
Ban = 22
Indicates that the user was banned.
Unban = 23
Indicates that the user was unbanned.
MemberUpdate = 24
Indicates that the member was updated.
MemberRoleUpdate = 25
Indicates that the member's roles were updated.
MemberMove = 26
Indicates that the member has moved to another voice channel.
MemberDisconnect = 27
Indicates that the member has disconnected from a voice channel.
BotAdd = 28
Indicates that a bot was added to the guild.
RoleCreate = 30
Indicates that the role was created.
RoleUpdate = 31
Indicates that the role was updated.
RoleDelete = 32
Indicates that the role was deleted.
InviteCreate = 40
Indicates that the invite was created.
InviteUpdate = 41
Indicates that the invite was updated.
InviteDelete = 42
Indicates that the invite was deleted.
WebhookCreate = 50
Indicates that the webhook was created.
WebhookUpdate = 51
Indicates that the webook was updated.
WebhookDelete = 52
Indicates that the webhook was deleted.
EmojiCreate = 60
Indicates that an emoji was created.
EmojiUpdate = 61
Indicates that an emoji was updated.
EmojiDelete = 62
Indicates that an emoji was deleted.
MessageDelete = 72
Indicates that the message was deleted.
MessageBulkDelete = 73
Indicates that messages were bulk-deleted.
MessagePin = 74
Indicates that a message was pinned.
MessageUnpin = 75
Indicates that a message was unpinned.
IntegrationCreate = 80
Indicates that an integration was created.
IntegrationUpdate = 81
Indicates that an integration was updated.
IntegrationDelete = 82
Indicates that an integration was deleted.
StageInstanceCreate = 83
Indicates that an stage instance was created.
StageInstanceUpdate = 84
Indicates that an stage instance was updated.
StageInstanceDelete = 85
Indicates that an stage instance was deleted.
StickerCreate = 90
Indicates that an sticker was created.
StickerUpdate = 91
Indicates that an sticker was updated.
StickerDelete = 92
Indicates that an sticker was deleted.
GuildScheduledEventCreate = 100
Indicates that an event was created.
GuildScheduledEventUpdate = 101
Indicates that an event was updated.
GuildScheduledEventDelete = 102
Indicates that an event was deleted.
ThreadCreate = 110
Indicates that an thread was created.
ThreadUpdate = 111
Indicates that an thread was updated.
ThreadDelete = 112
Indicates that an thread was deleted.
ApplicationCommandPermissionUpdate = 121
Indicates that the permissions for an application command was updated.
SoundboardSoundCreate = 130
SoundboardSoundUpdate = 131
SoundboardSoundDelete = 132
AutoModerationRuleCreate = 140
Indicates that a new automod rule has been added.
AutoModerationRuleUpdate = 141
Indicates that a automod rule has been updated.
AutoModerationRuleDelete = 142
Indicates that a automod rule has been deleted.
AutoModerationBlockMessage = 143
Indicates that automod blocked a message.
AutoModerationFlagMessage = 144
Indicates that automod flagged a message.
AutoModerationTimeOutUser = 145
Indicates that automod timed out a user.
AutoModerationQuarantineUser = 146
Indicates that automod quarantined a user.
CreatorMonetizationRequestCreated = 150
CreatorMonetizationTermsAccepted = 151
OnboardingPromptCreate = 163
OnboardingPromptUpdate = 164
OnboardingPromptDelete = 165
OnboardingCreate = 166
OnboardingUpdate = 167
HomeSettingsCreate = 190
ServerGuideCreate = 190
HomeSettingsUpdate = 191
ServerGuideUpdate = 191
VoiceChannelStatusCreate = 192
VoiceChannelStatusDelete = 193
[DiscordDeprecated] ClydeAiProfileUpdate = 194
GuildScheduledEventExceptionCreate = 200
GuildScheduledEventExceptionUpdate = 201
GuildScheduledEventExceptionDelete = 202
GuildMemberVerificationUpdate = 210