Namespace DisCatSharp
- BaseDiscordClient
Represents a common base for various Discord Client implementations.
- BaseExtension
Represents base for all DisCatSharp extensions. To implement your own extension, extend this class, and implement its abstract members.
- DefaultLogger
Represents a default logger.
- DiscordClient
A Discord API wrapper.
- DiscordConfiguration
Represents configuration for DiscordClient and DiscordShardedClient.
- DiscordOAuth2Client
Represents a DiscordOAuth2Client.
- DiscordShardedClient
A Discord client that shards automatically.
- DiscordWebhookClient
Represents a webhook-only client. This client can be used to execute Discord Webhooks.
- Formatter
Contains markdown formatting helpers.
- ImageTool
Tool to detect image formats and convert from binary data to base64 strings.
- Internals
Internal tools.
- LoggerEvents
Contains well-defined event IDs used by core of DisCatSharp.
- RingBuffer<T>
A circular buffer collection.
- Utilities
Various Discord-related utilities.
- ImageFormat
Represents format of an image.