Enum Permissions
- Namespace
- DisCatSharp.Enums
- Assembly
- DisCatSharp.dll
Bitwise permission flags.
public enum Permissions : long
- Extension Methods
[PermissionString("No Permissions")] None = 0
Indicates no permissions given.
[PermissionString("All Permissions")] All = CreateInstantInvite | KickMembers | BanMembers | Administrator | ManageChannels | ManageGuild | AddReactions | ViewAuditLog | PrioritySpeaker | Stream | AccessChannels | SendMessages | SendTtsMessages | ManageMessages | EmbedLinks | AttachFiles | ReadMessageHistory | MentionEveryone | UseExternalEmojis | ViewGuildInsights | UseVoice | Speak | MuteMembers | DeafenMembers | MoveMembers | UseVoiceDetection | ChangeNickname | ManageNicknames | ManageRoles | ManageWebhooks | ManageGuildExpressions | UseApplicationCommands | RequestToSpeak | ManageEvents | ManageThreads | CreatePublicThreads | CreatePrivateThreads | UseExternalStickers | SendMessagesInThreads | StartEmbeddedActivities | ModerateMembers | ViewCreatorMonetizationInsights | UseSoundboard | CreateGuildExpressions | CreateEvents | UseExternalSounds | SendVoiceMessages | UseClydeAi | SetVoiceChannelStatus
Indicates all permissions are granted.
[PermissionString("Create Instant Invites")] CreateInstantInvite = 1
Allows creation of instant channel invites.
[PermissionString("Kick Members")] KickMembers = 2
Allows kicking members.
[PermissionString("Ban Members")] BanMembers = 4
Allows banning and unbanning members.
[PermissionString("Administrator")] Administrator = 8
Enables full access on a given guild. This also overrides other permissions.
[PermissionString("Manage Channels")] ManageChannels = 16
Allows managing channels.
[PermissionString("Manage Guild")] ManageGuild = 32
Allows managing the guild.
[PermissionString("Add Reactions")] AddReactions = 64
Allows adding reactions to messages.
[PermissionString("View Audit Log")] ViewAuditLog = 128
Allows viewing audit log entries.
[PermissionString("Use Priority Speaker")] PrioritySpeaker = 256
Allows the use of priority speaker.
[PermissionString("Allow Stream")] Stream = 512
Allows the user to go live.
[PermissionString("Read Messages")] AccessChannels = 1024
Allows accessing text and voice channels. Disabling this permission hides channels.
[PermissionString("Send Messages")] SendMessages = 2048
Allows sending messages (does not allow sending messages in threads).
[PermissionString("Send TTS Messages")] SendTtsMessages = 4096
Allows sending text-to-speech messages.
[PermissionString("Manage Messages")] ManageMessages = 8192
Allows managing messages of other users.
[PermissionString("Use Embeds")] EmbedLinks = 16384
Allows embedding content in messages.
[PermissionString("Attach Files")] AttachFiles = 32768
Allows uploading files.
[PermissionString("Read Message History")] ReadMessageHistory = 65536
Allows reading message history.
[PermissionString("Mention Everyone")] MentionEveryone = 131072
Allows using @everyone and @here mentions.
[PermissionString("Use External Emojis")] UseExternalEmojis = 262144
Allows using emojis from external servers, such as twitch or nitro emojis.
[PermissionString("View Guild Insights")] ViewGuildInsights = 524288
Allows to view guild insights.
[PermissionString("Use Voice")] UseVoice = 1048576
Allows connecting to voice chat.
[PermissionString("Speak")] Speak = 2097152
Allows speaking in voice chat.
[PermissionString("Mute Voice Chat Members")] MuteMembers = 4194304
Allows muting other members in voice chat.
[PermissionString("Deafen Voice Chat Members")] DeafenMembers = 8388608
Allows deafening other members in voice chat.
[PermissionString("Move Voice Chat Members")] MoveMembers = 16777216
Allows moving voice chat members.
[PermissionString("Use Voice Activity Detection")] UseVoiceDetection = 33554432
Allows using voice activation in voice chat. Revoking this will usage of push-to-talk.
[PermissionString("Change Own Nickname")] ChangeNickname = 67108864
Allows changing of own nickname.
[PermissionString("Manage Nicknames")] ManageNicknames = 134217728
Allows managing nicknames of other members.
[PermissionString("Manage Roles")] ManageRoles = 268435456
Allows managing roles in a guild.
[PermissionString("Manage Webhooks")] ManageWebhooks = 536870912
Allows managing webhooks in a guild.
[PermissionString("Manage Guild Expressions")] ManageGuildExpressions = 1073741824
Allows managing guild emojis, stickers and soundboard sounds.
[PermissionString("Use Application Commands")] UseApplicationCommands = 2147483648
Allows the user to use slash commands.
[PermissionString("Request To Speak")] RequestToSpeak = 4294967296
Allows for requesting to speak in stage channels.
[PermissionString("Manage Events")] ManageEvents = 8589934592
Allows managing guild events.
[PermissionString("Manage Threads")] ManageThreads = 17179869184
Allows for deleting and archiving threads, and viewing all private threads.
[PermissionString("Create Public Threads")] CreatePublicThreads = 34359738368
Allows for creating threads.
[PermissionString("Create Private Threads")] CreatePrivateThreads = 68719476736
Allows for creating private threads.
[PermissionString("Use External Stickers")] UseExternalStickers = 137438953472
Allows the usage of custom stickers from other servers.
[PermissionString("Send Messages In Threads")] SendMessagesInThreads = 274877906944
Allows for sending messages in threads.
[PermissionString("Start Embedded Activities")] StartEmbeddedActivities = 549755813888
Allows for launching activities (applications with the
flag) in a voice channel.[PermissionString("Moderate Members")] ModerateMembers = 1099511627776
Allows to perform limited moderation actions (timeout).
[PermissionString("View Creator Monetization Insights")] ViewCreatorMonetizationInsights = 2199023255552
Allows to view creator monetization insights.
[PermissionString("Use Soundboard")] UseSoundboard = 4398046511104
Allows to use soundboard sounds in voice channels.
[PermissionString("Create Guild Expressions")] CreateGuildExpressions = 8796093022208
Allows to create guild emojis, stickers and soundboard sounds.
[PermissionString("Create Events")] CreateEvents = 17592186044416
Allows to create guild events.
[PermissionString("Use External Sounds")] UseExternalSounds = 35184372088832
Allows the usage of custom soundboard sounds from other servers.
[PermissionString("Send Voice Messages")] SendVoiceMessages = 70368744177664
Allows members to send voice messages.
[PermissionString("Use Clyde AI")] [DiscordDeprecated("Clyde was shutdown in December 2023")] UseClydeAi = 140737488355328
Allows members to interact with the Clyde AI bot.
[PermissionString("Set Voice Channel Status")] SetVoiceChannelStatus = 281474976710656
Allows members to create and edit voice channel status.
[PermissionString("Send Polls")] SendPolls = 562949953421312
Allows members to send polls.